Win XP & Raduga
Hello! I'm working on a small radio station in Sweden, and we have bought Raduga. We recived a e-mail with a link to a file where we could download the program. Today I saw a message on this forum "There are 2 different install files. One for XP and one for 98. You must have run the 98 install. Raduga works best with XP." Was "my" file the WinXP or the Win98-file? There are some problems with the raduga-program...maybe becase of this? Where can I get the XP-file? The name of the file I downloaded was GlobalFull-Raduga-3.8.7.UXP.exe Can I uninstall the version I installed, and install the XP-one? What will happen with my licence then? //David Andersson, Kumla, Sweden