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Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

Posted on: Raduga (English)

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2004-05-18 00:08:59

Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

Hello !!!
Sorry for my bad language by i'm french :p

I have a problem when i try raduga 3.8 démo, when my mouse is on raduga, my mouse is very slow, is normal ? This problem, is only with raduga...

Do u have a solution?
Thks noss :)

Wolfgang Loch

2004-05-18 07:02:39

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

It's not normal and I've never seen such problems.
The reason could be that Raduga runs with high priority and your mouse software does not like this. Try to set the priority of Raduga to "Normal" using the Windows Task Manager. Let me know if this helps.


2004-05-19 08:43:28

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

My Team Radio-Psylone, have try raduga 3.8.
On 3.11 version this problem, is not here.

two peoples on ten, have this problem, at radio psylone.

This programm is very simple and quality/cost is good, but this problem is very bad :(

Your solution, have not fix this problem :(

Thks Noss.

Wolfgang Loch

2004-05-19 17:38:23

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

Maybe you can figure out what these two people do diffently than the others?
At the moment I have no other idea.


2004-05-19 20:03:28

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8


Afin d'essayer de comprendre ce qui se passe, il serait utile de connaître le détail de votre configuration (version de windows, mémoire...).

Y a t'il d'autres programmes qui tournent en même temps que Raduga et si oui lesquels ?

J'utilise Raduga depuis 2001, et je n'ai pas de problèmes sous windows 98.


2004-05-20 16:46:02

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8


In my radio the pc configuration is:

win xp pro sp1
raduga 3.8
norton antivirus corporate 8.1
mirc (www.mirc.com)
power archiver (zip rar arj tar gz extension...)
office 2003
Logitech webcam 4100 pro
logitech keyboard et mouse software
webcam first (www.webcamfirst.com)
adobe acrobat reader
nero 6

When raduga is executed, only raduga on.
We try uninstall logitech mouse software...

Stéphane tu l'utilise peut etre avec une version antérieur ou le bug n'apparait c'est pour ca non?
C'est depuis la 3.8, ce problème...

Thks For ur answer :)


2004-05-21 10:37:06

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

Is that mouse a cordless mouse by any chance ?

What spec is the PC ? P4/Duron/Athlon/Celeron ?


2004-05-25 19:53:23

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

yes the mouse cordless, on p4 2.4ghz.



2004-06-19 13:32:40

Re: Slow mouse on raduga 3.8

do you have also 2.4 Ghz dect phones in the neighbourhood? Because they can cause some problems with radiocontrolled mouses. The Fm- of linktransmitter can also give some problems because they uses radiowaves.

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