Re: Playlists for few days
Hi Georgie, here the script and like can may see, the playlists must be found in a subfolder of Radugas Installation folder called "Playlists" or you must modify the script. *****************
Dim MyMsg Dim MyTime, MyHour Dim MyDay, MyMonth,NumMonth Dim NewPlaylist Application.Console.Clear MyMsg = "Playlist update in progress ..." Console.WriteLine MyMsg Application.Statusbar = MyMsg MyTime = Now MyHour = Hour(MyTime)
If MyHour < 10 then Dim TmpHour TmpHour = "0" & MyHour MyHour = TmpHour end if NumMonth = Month(Now) MyMonth = MonthName(NumMonth, True) MyDay = Day(Date) If MyDay < 10 then Dim TmpDay TmpDay = "0" & MyDay MyDay = TmpDay end if NewPlaylist = Application.Path & "Playlists\" & MyMonth & MyDay & MyHour & ".alb" MyMsg = "Initializing " & NewPlaylist & " ..." Console.WriteLine MyMsg Application.Statusbar = MyMsg On Error Resume Next Application.Documents.Open NewPlaylist MyMsg = "Playlist for " & MyMonth & "," & MyDay & "th " & " from "_ & MyHour & "h to " & MyHour + 1 & "h loaded at " & Time Console.WriteLine MyMsg Application.Statusbar = MyMsg