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Posted on: SuperEdi

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Gregor Decker

2008-07-19 10:41:11


How do I copy & paste some japanese or chinese text parts from a web page into a new file of SuperEdi without gettig mojibake (garbled text), for example from

Wolfgang Loch

2008-07-19 21:02:20

Re: UTF-Support?

1. Open the web site in your favourite browser
2. Select the text (Ctrl+A)
3. Copy the text (Ctrl+C)
4. Switch to SuperEdi (Atl+Tab)
5. Insert the text (Ctrl+V)
6. Save the text to a file (Ctrl+S)
7. In the "Save As" dialog, select an encoding that supports japanese characters. I recommend UTF-8 with the byte order mark enabled.

Btw. if the above is your web site, please set a return link to the SuperEdi web site.

Gregor Decker

2008-07-19 23:40:36

Re: UTF-Support?

Thank you for your speedy reply and your help.
My "text garbling" problem was caused by selecting the wrong font and script type/character set.

I'm not affiliated with the web site I mentioned above in any way.

Peter Dauth

2008-08-10 21:38:10

UTF-Support Russisch

How do I copy & paste some Russian text parts from a web page into a new file of SuperEdi without gettig mojibake (garbled text), for example from

looking for an UTF-8-able editor, unlucky trying Superedi 4.2.U

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