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Some Solaris-Files can not be opened with FTP

Posted on: SuperEdi

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2005-04-06 07:32:54

Some Solaris-Files can not be opened with FTP

I am using 3.7 U with Windowx XP. When trying to open a file on a Solaris 8 machine with FTP, the document tree in the small window on the right is shown.
The funny thing is, that some documents and directories are shown with
day time filename, e.g. 23 15:39 test.txt or
day year filename, e.g. 13 2003

The "day time" or "day year" are the times of the last modification. After modifying such a file it
is shown correctly in the document tree and can be opened.
I have tested it also from Windows NT with Solaris 8. The problem was the same.

Wolfgang Loch

2005-04-06 19:59:23

Re: Some Solaris-Files can not be opened with FTP

I think the FTP server returns some unexpected output for the "dir" command. Can you please connect to the server using a command-line FTP client and type "dir". Then compare the directory listing to a directory listing of a Linux FTP server.

Maybe it is possible to configure the FTP server to return a standard directory listing.

SuperEdi does not directly parse the response from the FTP server. It uses the WinINet API functions, such as FtpFindFirstFile for that purpose.

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